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HONcode Principles

Principle 1.

The sole author of the content on this site is William H. Parker, MD.

Dr. Parker is a clinical professor of reproductive medicine at UC San Diego School of Medicine.

Dr. Parker’s medical credentials are listed at and

Dr. Parker is the sole moderator of all comments posted on this web site and blog.

Internet users posting comments on this blog should not be considered as health professionals. Visitors and participants in online blog comment forums must behave at all times with respect and honesty. Dr. Parker retains the right to modify or delete comments as necessary, and suspend or ban users when necessary without notification.

Principle 2.

Information found on this website, including comments posted by visitors to our blog, is designed to support, not to replace the relationship between patient and physician. The minimum age for the use or participation in these platforms is 16 years old.

Principle 3.

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Principle 4.

Each page displays the date on which it was last modified.

This site does contain information from external sources and bibliographic references to the sources data are given.

Blog users posting comments must give references or links to the health/medical information they provide when it is not personal experience. Personal experience is any symptom, test, treatment, etc., that the person or a close family member has undergone himself/herself.

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Principle 5.

All claims for medical treatment are supported by clear references to scientific research results and/or published articles.

All visitors submitting comments to the blog must undertake to disseminate only information that is true and correct in light of their knowledge.

Principle 6.

The email address for the webmaster is

Principle 7.

This site is funded solely by Parker, Rosenman, Rodi Gynecology/Infertility Medical Group

This site is moderated solely by Dr. William H. Parker.

Principle 8.

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Last modified on 1/1/11

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Disclaimer: The ideas, procedures and suggestions contained on this web site are not intended as a substitute for consulting with your physician. All matters regarding your health require medical supervision.

Fibroid Doctor William H. Parker

Dr. William H. Parker is a board-certified Fellow in the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Dr. Parker is an internationally recognized expert in fibroid surgery and research. Based in San Diego, California, he is considered one of the best fibroid surgeons for abdominal and laparoscopic myomectomy in the United States and abroad. He has been chosen for Best Doctors in America and Top Doctors every year beginning in the late 90's.

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