National Uterine Fibroids Foundation
The National Uterine Fibroids Foundation (NUFF) is a not for profit public benefit corporation organized to engage in charitable, educational and scientific activities related to the care and treatment of women who have uterine fibroids or related conditions of the reproductive system.
Uterine Fibroids E-Group on Yahoo!
The Uterine Fibroids eGroup is sponsored by the National Uterine Fibroids Foundation and is an email and web based discussion group for individuals interested in researching and discussing all methods of alternative treatments for uterine fibroids.
Hope For Fibroids Organization
The Hope For Fibroids Organization is a non-profit organization created by a uterine fibroid patient and volunteers. The web site is a subscriber to the Health On the Net Foundation. There are nine Contributing Doctors on the web site, Gynecologists and Interventional Radiologists, who review all the medical information on uterine fibroids and pelvic pain gynecological medical conditions. The web site contains the following: FAQs, Insurance, Legislation, Comment Section, Media, Other Sources, Research, Highlights of Fibroid Fighters, translated in five languages, and much more.
Many women are told they need to also have their ovaries removed if they must have a hysterectomy. This has been a controversial issue for many years, but until recently most doctors recommended removal of the ovaries after about age 45. The reason for this was that removal of the ovaries would prevent women from developing ovarian cancer. However, the ovaries continue to produce hormones for many years after menopause and these hormones have many long-term health benefits, as well as benefits for improved mood, prevention of vaginal dryness, preservation of skin tone and elasticity.
The ovaries continue to produce estrogen in small amounts, and testosterone in normal amounts for about 30 years after menopause. Muscle, skin and fat cells change testosterone into estrogen, and this source of estrogen appears to be responsible for the lower risks of heart disease and osteoporosis that have been found in studies of women who still have their ovaries.
We recently published an article in the renowned journal Obstetrics and Gynecology that showed a lower risk of dying before age 80 if you choose to keep your ovaries at the time you have a hysterectomy. You can find the information here.
William H. Parker, MD
Clinical Professor, Reproductive Medicine, UC San Diego School of Medicine
Page last updated: January, 2018