Oral tranexamic acid treatment was well tolerated and significantly improved both menstrual blood loss and health-related quality of life in women with heavy menstrual bleeding.
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Oral tranexamic acid treatment was well tolerated and significantly improved both menstrual blood loss and health-related quality of life in women with heavy menstrual bleeding.
Journal: Obstetetrics and Gynecology. 2010 Sep;116(3):641-52. Authors: Spies JB, Bradley LD, Guido R, Maxwell GL, Levine BA, Coyne K. Study from: Georgetown University Hospital Department of Radiology, Washington, DC Problem: Despite the very common occurrence of fibroids, very few studies have evaluated the severity of symptoms caused by uterine fibroids, their effect on health-related quality-of-life, […]
Journal: Obstet Gynecol. 2010 Nov;116(5):1056-63. Authors: Stout MJ, Odibo AO, Graseck AS, Macones GA, Crane JP, Cahill AG. Study from: Washington University, St Louis, Missouri Problem: Numerous studies have been conducted to see if the presence of fibroids during pregnancy affects the outcome of the pregnancy or the health of the baby. Most of these […]
Journal: Fertil Steril. 2010 Sep 24. [Epub ahead of print] Authors: Pisco JM, Duarte M, Bilhim T, CirurgiĆ£o F, Oliveira AG. Study from: Department of Radiology, St. Louis Hospital; New University of Lisbon, Portugal. Problem: The safety of pregnancy following embolization (UAE) is uncertain because there have been few publications examining this issue. Study: In […]
Dr. William H. Parker is a board-certified Fellow in the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Dr. Parker is an internationally recognized expert in fibroid surgery and research. Based in San Diego, California, he is considered one of the best fibroid surgeons for abdominal and laparoscopic myomectomy in the United States and abroad. He has been chosen for Best Doctors in America and Top Doctors every year beginning in the late 90's.
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