October 24, 2011 – 8:35 am
This is the first study to accurately track fibroid growth, both in different women and different fibroids in the same woman. I (and other gynecologists) have been telling women for 30 years that fibroids do not get smaller until after menopause – this study proves that idea wrong. I have also been telling women that fibroid growth is unpredictable, some fibroids grow slowly, others fast and others go through growth spurts and then slow down.
By Bill Parker, MD
Posted in Recent Fibroid Research
Also tagged black women, excess estrogen, fibroid growth, fibroid growth rate, fibroids, fibroids and menopause, fibroids getting smaller, hysterectomy for fibroids, MRI, white women
November 1, 2009 – 3:07 pm
Mefipristone was effective decreasing sympotms from fibroids, but it caused benign overgrowth of the uterine lining cells. While benign overgrowth does not turn into precancer or cancer, the worry is that longer treatment with Mefipristone could stimulate actual cancer cells to form. Further study will be needed, but this study is discouraging.
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