Authors: Donnez J, and others Journal: Fertility & Sterility. 2015 Feb;103:519-27 Study From: Brussels, Belgium and 12 other European medical centers Problem: Ulipristal, currently available in Europe and Canada, is an oral medication that blocks the action of progesterone on fibroids and stops heavy bleeding and decreases the size of fibroids. In an earlier study […]
It has been suggested that I have a hysterectomy to control and stop the bleeding. I DO NOT WANT a hysterectomy
I am a 46 year old women who has had fibroids about 15 years. They now have disrupted my life significantly. My uterus measures 13.0 x 6.7 x 9, I have approx. 12-16 fibroids from very small to 7 being 2.4 cm or larger. I have anemia and have been on prescription iron for 2 […]
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